Modern Apps Live! demo code

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20 March 2014

The MyVote app is a complete modern app built by Magenic as a demo for Modern Apps Live! conferences.Logo

MyVote from Modern Apps Live! LV 2014 is available on the MyVote releases page on GitHub.

The MyVote app is available for install

Although we’ve made the code available on GitHub, getting the app compiled and running is non-trivial of course, because this is a complete modern app with clients for

  • WinRT
  • iOS
  • Android with Xamarin
  • HTML 5/JavaScript single page app

and services that use

  • Windows Azure SQL Server
  • Windows Azure Mobile Services
  • Windows Azure Web Sites
  • Windows Azure Cloud Services

In GitHub the file contains a list of places in the code where you’ll need to insert your own encryption and service keys. Beyond that you are largely on your own. If you are looking for a more detailed walkthrough of the implementation I can only suggest that you attend Modern Apps Live! in Orlando this fall.