Looking for CSLA .NET 2.0 resource file translations

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13 December 2005

I am at the point now where I think the resource.resx file for CSLA .NET 2.0 is stable. Of course it is only in English at this point, and so I am putting out a call to anyone willing to translate the file to other languages.

Thanks to volunteer efforts, CSLA .NET 1.x has resources in a total of 11 languages, which is simply wonderful!

If you are willing to translate the resources to your language, many people would appreciate your help.

The English resource.resx file can be downloaded here: http://www.lhotka.net/files/csla20-resources.zip

If you are able to translate the file, please email me the resulting translation and I’ll incorporate it into the solution so it is available when the book comes out (anticipated for the end of March 2006).

I’ll keep a log of the languages as part of the CSLA .NET 2.0 Change Log, so you can check there to see if your language already has a translation.

Thank you!
