IASA training in Minneapolis

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01 September 2010

Foundation 101/102 IASA Training will be hosted at Magenic Technologies on October 4th through October 8th.

The foundations coursework and certification expose candidates to the “awareness” level of the skills matrix, then takes the students through real-world application of those skills at the project level in a 4+ day series of workshops covering: a year lifecycles of business justification/selection of projects, creating the architecture, managing through delivery, and then maturing the engagement model of the architecture team.

Finally a full half-day is spent on preparation for the CITA-Foundation certification exam.

You can register for the course at IASA’s home site http://www.iasahome.org “Twin Cities” location.

Group discounts are available.

Course Rational

Heard of IASA and the Certified IT Architect – Professional (CITA-P) certification process? Interested in going through the process? Have you mapped your skill set and experience to the IASA Skills Matrix? This course will introduce you to the IASA skills matrix that is validated with the CITA-P certification. This 1 week course provides introduction to the IASA skills matrix and provides a self-analysis tool to evaluate current skill level against the IT Architect Body of Knowledge:

IT Architecture Body of Knowledge  (ITABoK)

Pillar 1: Business Technology

Pillar 2: IT Environment

Pillar 3: Quality Attributes

Pillar 4: Human Dynamics

Pillar 5: System Design


The IASA vision is Professionalization of IT architecture, and our model is built on proven methods that successful professions have taken historically (Doctors, Lawyers, Building Architects, etc.); our career path model and supporting education/certification come from practicing architects as a professional association, not from individuals in a back room. IASA has built a global community of over 60,000 in readership, and thousands of contributors from multiple countries, industries and specializations. From that community, we have built extensive and inclusive skills taxonomy and methods for teaching and evaluating the capabilities within the taxonomy.
