CSLA .NET version 4.7.100 release

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22 March 2018

I am pleased to announce the release of CSLA .NET version 4.7.100 with full support for netstandard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.

The packages are now in NuGet. Once some final updates to the samples are complete and merged into master I’ll create a formal release tag/page on GitHub.

This release also includes some other very exciting capabilities, including:

  • #760 Add support for ASP.NET Core 2.0
  • #759 Add support for EF Core (EntityFrameworkCore)
  • #813 Major performance improvement when data binding to large object graphs thanks to keithdv
  • #795 Add Transactional attribute back into netstandard 2.0 code
  • #800 Changes to configuration so it is possible to configure CSLA without any web.config or app.config files (such as in .NET Core, etc.)
  • #496 Support ClaimsPrincipal via new CslaClaimsPrincipal type
  • #729 ApplicationContext now defaults to using AsyncLocal to maintain values on the current thread/context with help from j055 BREAKING CHANGE
  • #712 Support in-place deserialization of an object graph
  • #748 Major improvements to serialization via MobileFormatter thanks to jasonbock
  • #763 Update to samples thanks to tfreitasleal
  • #688 Get ApplicationContext.User authentication working with ASP.NET Core thanks to dazinator
  • #766 Update to use latest UWP libraries for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update BREAKING CHANGE
  • #790 BUG: Fix AmbiguousMatchException in data portal thanks to iherwald
  • #710 BUG: Fix ambiguous Save method issue thanks to rabidkitten

There are a couple known issues with this release:

  • #818 Xamarin projects using System.Data.SqlClient show a warning about this assembly’s location
  • #794 UWP projects show warning PRI263: 0xdef01051 messages relative to CSLA resource strings
  • #822 There are two “sets” of CSLA packages/assemblies: one for full .NET 4.6.1+ and one for netstandard (including Xamarin, UWP, .NET Core, etc.) due to a type error between netstandard and full .NET
  • #703 Though netstandard supports BinaryFormatter, that is currently not an option from the CSLA configuration, and this needs to be addressed

Regarding the NuGet/assembly split noted in #822:

Right now there are two “families” of CSLA .NET packages in NuGet. One that supports full .NET and one that supports all other runtimes.

The full .NET family must be used for the following types of app:

  • Windows Forms
  • WPF
  • ASP.NET (other than Core)
  • Console apps (other than Core)
  • Azure Functions
  • Any other runtime hosted by full .NET 4.6.1+

The netstandard family must be used for the following types of app:

  • Xamrin
  • UWP
  • .NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Any other runtime not hosted by full .NET 4.6.1+

What this means for you is that if your n-tier app is 100% full .NET or full netstandard then you can live within one of those families. BUT if your server is full .NET and your client is Xamarin (for example) then your business library assemblies need to be compiled twice: once for full .NET and once for netstandard.

The Samples\ProjectTracker app shows how this is done by using a Shared Project to contain the code, and two concrete class library projects that compile the code for full .NET and netstandard respectively.