27 August 2015
This is a NuGet only release, we no longer supply an msi installer
Release details on NuGet: https://github.com/MarimerLLC/csla/releases/tag/v4.6.100
Supported platforms:
- .NET 4, 4.5, 4.6
- Android (Xamarin)
- iOS (Xamarin)
- UWP (Windows 10)
- WinRT and WinRT Phone (Windows 8.1 and Phone 8.1)
Major changes:
- Updated to the final release of Windows 10 and the UWP SDK
- This and all future releases will be via NuGet only (no more msi installer)
- Removes support for Silverlight and Windows Phone 8 (Silverlight)
- Adds support for .NET 4.6
- Adds support for UWP (though today NuGet deploys the WinRT assemblies for UWP projects)
- Updates iOS and Android to the latest Xamarin versions
- Move nearly all code files into shared projects
- WinRT, iOS, Android, UWP all now use the exact same code files as .NET in every case - which is where a lot of the risk comes from because I may or may not have gotten all the compiler directives fixed up correctly.
- Add analyzers for Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6 projects