CSLA .NET 3.0.4 refresh available

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22 February 2008

CSLA .NET version 3.5 is for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 only.

If you are using .NET 3.0 or .NET 2.0 then CSLA .NET version 3.0.x is for you. Version 3.0.4 is a maintenance release incorporating some important bug fixes, especially around data binding.

Version 3.0.4 will release concurrently with version 3.5, and I have put a refresh of the 3.0.4 code online for download at http://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/download.aspx.

This release is quite stable, and you should consider using it if the bug fixes apply to you. See the change log for details.