CSLA 4 version 4.0.1 released

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28 August 2010

CSLA 4 version 4.0.1 is released and available for download.

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This is a bug fix release, with important fixes for some issues in version 4.0.0. If you are using CSLA 4, you should consider upgrading to 4.0.1 as soon as possible.

Please note that there are a couple potential breaking changes in 4.0.1:

  • If you are using private backing fields, your RegisterProperty() calls must now specify Relationships.PrivateField so CSLA knows you are using a private backing field. If you don’t do this, you’ll get runtime exceptions.
  • The Save() and BeginSave() methods now raise different (and more reliable) exceptions. If you are explicitly checking for NotSupportedException you will need to check for InvalidOperationException.

While I try to avoid adding breaking changes in point releases, these were important and I thought it better to get them out as early in the CSLA 4 life-cycle as possible.