CSLA 4 Preview 4 available

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16 April 2010

I have put CSLA 4 Preview 4 online for download.

CSLA 4 requires Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4 and (optionally) Silverlight 4.

There are a lot of changes in CSLA 4 - make sure to read the change log!

This will be the last preview, and it includes all planned CSLA 4 functionality except:

  • New authorization rules system
  • INotifyDataErrorInfo support (SL only)
  • Class level DataAnnotation attributes

My intent is to finish these three items within the next two weeks, and then enter a beta phase.

Your feedback now and through the beta phase is absolutely invaluable to the quality of the release. If you are using or planning to use .NET 4 or Silverlight 4 please take a look at the preview and let me know your thoughts and any bugs you find by replying to this thread on the forum.